'Oops, Wrong Planet'

Dear 'AA',

When I was young I had dreams in which I'd wake up and lie there in bed while 4 or 6 or more people stood and sat at the foot of my bed and talked to me. I remember them as friendly and concerned. I forgot this for many years. I cannot recall what they looked like. Now I am 40 and alot of things are coming to consciousness, like my friends around the bed. For a time I wondered if I should put a sinister light on these folk, to paint them authoritarian and something to be afraid of, but my emotions are warm toward my memories of them, and recently I've wished for them to come back.

I'm an artist, and have recently stopped painting because I'm working full time at my temp job. While I was painting exclusively last fall, I realized that I was experiencing missing time, and thinking all sorts of interesting things that I would then instantaneously forget on coming back into time. I began to worry about this, and questioned other artists, but although artists reach a meditative place when working, nobody else had any trouble losing track of time. It's a subconscious worry, but I am at a place where I'm uncomfortable with the thought of painting.

I also had a childhood history of unexplained nosebleeds.

I have fears and inhibitions associated with childhood sexual abuse, but without any memory or family confirmation of anything of the sort.

I have recently had an almost complete fall-off of asthma that I've had for 10 years.

I am renewing an interest in channeled material and near death experiences, renewing a serious study of medicinal herbs and alternative healing methods, and find that I've neglected the metaphysical aspects of life for a long time, and redirecting my life in accordance with principals that appear impractical and insane but which make perfect sense to me emotionally.

I often think I don't belong here, often say I wish I could have my next assignment soon, and compare the way things are done here to how they're done on my home planet. My favorite graffiti is -- 'Ooops, wrong planet'.

You definitely fit the profile of an experiencer. All of the above physical and psychological symptoms you have reported can be found on our list of "52 Indicators of Alien Contact". I'm sure if you read over this list you will find many more indicators that perhaps you hadn't thought about in terms of an encounter experience.

Have you at any time felt like you were invisible to those around you?

You are wise to intuitively follow your emotions, and forget what is "practical" or "sane". By doing so you will help your mind and body adjust to the changes you are experiencing. -- Editor